Training Catalogue 2021

Date : 30-06-2021

The cornerstone for the development of any sector, institution or company is based on its capacity in terms of professional and knowledgeable human resources and efforts to keep pace with technological developments and innovations, approaches and successful methods in management. This confirms the importance of education and training in all strategic policies of any given organization, including those belonging to the Civil Aviation sector.

This sector is developing rapidly and requires continuous on the job training of different categories of human resources, especially those performing technical tasks and dealing with sophisticated equipment that requests specific operation patterns and maintenance for a quality performance.

Therefore, the Arab Civil Aviation Organization (ACAO) is making its best efforts to provide training courses, for the benefit of employees and managers, in order to contribute to the continuous development of highly trained staff in compliance with the quality and safety standards of international civil aviation.

This course catalogue serves the strategic objectives of our organization in terms of developing common training standards and implementing member states experts’ data basis to enhance the cooperation and exchange of best practices in our Region.

click here to download : Training catalogue 2021




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