New issue of the "Arab Aviation" magazine

Date : 29-08-2021

Rabat - The Arab Civil Aviation Organization released issue 43 of the month of July 2021 of the "Arab Aviation" magazine, in Arabic and English languages, a magazine definitely with a rich and diversified content.

The editorial was dedicated to the review of the concerted efforts of all components of the international civil aviation sector for the management of the “Covid 19” crisis, and the development of a global approach in which civil aviation authorities, global and regional organizations and unions, as well as the air transport sector, were involved for the restart and recovery of the civil aviation sector.

The Director-General indicated in the editorial that the Arab region hastened to lay the first building blocks for consultation and coordination of efforts to confront this global crisis under the umbrella of the International Civil Aviation Organization and within the framework of the CART team. In that regard, the Arab Civil Aviation Organization has undertaken several initiatives at the level of Arab countries. Its members, as well as the League of Arab States at the level of councils of Arab transport ministers, ministers of tourism and ministers of health, the first of which was to take decisions and measures to support Arab air carriers, before the end of March 2020.

The magazine published a report on the 26th ordinary session of the General Assembly of the organization, which provided an opportunity to explain global air transport issues and prospects. This session witnessed a massive participation of their Excellences the Ministers of Transport and Aviation, the heads of aviation authorities and specialists in the world of aviation. The session resulted in the issuance of the "Rabat Statement", which called on Arab countries to lift travel restrictions, taking into account the various risk-based guidelines issued by the World Health Organization. The statement also called for the implementation of measures to confront the emerging corona virus pandemic and mechanisms for the restart and recovery of the civil aviation sector.

The magazine conducted an interview with Mr. Abdullah Al-Rajhi, Director of the Air Transport Department at the General Administration of Civil Aviation in the State of Kuwait, in which he confirmed that “the General Administration pays great attention in terms of issuing laws and special circulars for air safety plans for all airlines operating at Kuwait International Airport and achieving the highest safety ranks through the implementation of the highest ICAO safety standards.

Mr. Attia bin Saeed Al-Zahrani wrote an article entitled: 'Sustainability of Air Transport after the Global Pandemic' (The Economic Impact on the Air Transport Market and How to Advance the Air Transport Industry). In the same perspective, Engineer Adil Bouloutar wrote an article on strengthening information security.

Ultimately, the latest issue of "Arab Aviation" magazine was full of rich and diversified materials that varied between reports and coverage of the various activities of the organization and Arab and international activities in the field of civil aviation.




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