ACAO participation to 14th ICAO Air Navigation Conference

Date : 13:08 / 08-09-2024

In the framework of the ACAO ICAO MoU, and in consideration of its seconds strategic objective as “Coordination of positions among the Member States, effective representation in international forums and defense of their interests “, ACAO participated to the ICAO Air Navigation Conference 14. It was an opportunity for the implementation of the newly developed process named: "ACAO Coordination Mechanism for high level event" which will be deeply analyzed and enhanced through the lessons learnt.


From August 26 to September 6, 2024 the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO hosted its fourteen Air Navigation Conference in Montreal, focusing on key topics shaping the future of global air navigation. This pivotal event, held every few years, draws government representatives, industry leaders, and experts from across the world to discuss policies, emerging technologies, and performance improvements in aviation. The conference has been attended by more than 800 participants from 110 States and 28 organizations. The 2024 edition carried particular significance as the aviation industry continues to recover from the pandemic and adapts to new demands for innovation, sustainability, and safety. The conference’s agenda outlines four critical topics that guided discussions.


Agenda Item 1: Update on the ICAO 2023-2025 Business Plan and Long-Term Strategic Planning: This agenda item covers the review and update of ICAO’s current business plan, addressing priorities and strategic alignment for the future. Three sub-topics has been included, as follows: 1. Reprioritization of the ICAO 2023-2025 Business Plan: As global aviation recovers from the challenges of recent years, there is a need to re-evaluate priorities. The organization discussed where resources and efforts should be focused to best meet emerging needs; 2. Strategic Alignment of Global Plans for Performance Improvement: ICAO assessed how global aviation plans GANP & GASP particularly align with long-term goals and performance improvement (Priority Focus Area “PFA” within the current ICAO Business Plan), ensuring consistency and progress across member states; 3. Evolution of the Technical Commission of the ICAO Assembly: The role and structure of the Technical Commission, responsible for guiding technical aspects of aviation, have been evaluated to ensure it evolves alongside new challenges and innovations.


Agenda Item 2: Timely and Safe Use of New Technologies: Technological advancement is transforming the aviation industry, to artificial intelligence (AI) to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and space-based communication networks. This item focused on 1. evolving aircraft technologies contributing to LTAG: which led to assess the compatibility of existing aerodrome infrastructure, systems and operational procedures with the upcoming new aircraft technologies;  2. Addressing regulatory frameworks and standards to keep pace with innovation: through enhancing the sharing and exchange of information, challenges, regulatory approaches and best practices and develop, through appropriate regional mechanisms, harmonized regional regulatory frameworks and interoperable systems to ensure effective integration of unmanned aircraft systems, where appropriate  3.- 2026-2028 Edition of the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP): via taking into consideration input from the Conference, as well as the responses from the online questionnaire on the Global Aviation Safety Plan update for the revision of the 2026-2028 edition of the Global Aviation Safety Plan.


Agenda Item 3: Air Navigation System Performance Improvement : Improving the performance of global air navigation systems is crucial for maintaining the safety and efficiency of global aviation. Under this agenda item, key areas of focus included,: 1. Study into the feasibility of establishing an ICAO air navigation efficiency programme: noting that  ICAO undertake a study into the feasibility of establishing an ICAO air navigation efficiency audit programme, or other suitable initiative, involving States and international organizations throughout the study ; 2. Transition to flight and flow – information for a collaborative environment services and cessation of ICAO 2012 flight plan by 2034: leading inter alia to amend relevant ICAO provisions and guidance material to enable the 2034 global cessation of the ICAO flight plan and associated air traffic services; and 3. Update to the global technical level of the seventh edition of the Global Air Navigation Plan and its regional and national levels): noting that the updated GANP will consider the new objectives on the environment key performance area and resilience focus area.


Agenda Item 4: Hyper-Connectivity of the Air Navigation System:  As the world becomes increasingly connected, aviation must adapt to new demands for seamless integration. The hyper-connectivity of the air navigation system refers to the convergence of various technologies and systems that enable smooth operations across different regions and stakeholders. Key points of discussion included: 1. Connected aircraft concept and associated challenges: through cooperation with States, industry stakeholders, and organizations to evaluate the technical and operational aspects to further mature and validate the draft connected aircraft concept, including further assessing the hyperconnected air traffic management solution; 2. Aviation cybersecurity: providing guidance on the core elements to support States and stakeholders in addressing aviation cybersecurity, and integrate all aviation cybersecurity activities holistically in a consistent and coordinated manner.


Finaly, the 2024 ICAO Air Navigation Conference came at a critical juncture for the aviation industry, with new technologies reshaping air navigation, and challenges such as sustainability and safety gaining ever more prominence. the focus has been on collaboration, innovation, and long-term strategies that will steer global aviation toward a safer, more efficient, and sustainable future. This conference not only sets the stage for key decisions on air navigation systems but also highlights the growing importance of technology, data sharing, and global cooperation in the aviation industry’s evolution.

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